About this site

About this site

Welcome to my blog! My name is Matt and I currently work as a Machine Learning engineer. This blog will be a mix of random things that align with my interests.  Those are Machine Learning, Strategy & Economics, Management, and Careers.  There will probably also be some random things that show up, based on interesting things I read.

What I read / listen to

The internet has inverted scarcity.  Now there’s way too much online, and you are well advised to invest your time and energy into things you can learn from.  There are a ton of good, free resources.  But on average, you’re likely to get higher quality for things behind paywalls.  

The random mix of things I’ll write about on this blog will draw some inspiration from the following sources:

  • Books (around 60-90 a year; around 800 over the last 10 years)
  • The Economist
  • Stratechery
  • Substacks:
  • Free / free-tier newsletters:
  • Podcasts (harder for me to find the time, I find the information absorption rate to be slower than text):
    • Huberman Lab
    • Invest Like the Best
    • Sharp Tech (part of Stratechery above)
    • Misc based on guest (e.g. Yuval Harari)

I am not able to follow every article by all of those sources, so I may miss something you find interesting (apologies if so!) but feel free to send me one you like.  This list evolves over time, but as of the time of this posting it is current for me.

What I’ve experienced

I’ve spent time in the financial and tech industries, so topics related to businesses, markets, technology and especially machine learning are interesting.  I’ve spent time growing teams, so I am also interested in management and how to help people grow in their careers.  Some of those experiences will carry over into my reviews, posts, and opinions.